Club Leader: Rishel Ramsarran
The Global Justice Club is a community of students who seek to prepare ourselves to “uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed” (Ps. 82:3), both during and after our time at Redeemer. We deeply value the testimonies of those who have experienced social injustice first-hand, and we believe that advocating for justice requires humbly listening to and learning from their stories. We strive to model our advocacy after Christ, who engaged with people personally in order to address the real root cause of their suffering and struggles.
Once a month (circumstances permitting), we invite a speaker to come to Redeemer in order to share his or her experience with various social issues. These events typically occur during a Monday or Friday activity period, or during the early evening after afternoon classes have ended. The invitation to attend these events is extended to the entire Redeemer community, and we are sure to provide refreshments or a meal. Please watch for our club announcements in Timeout, or join our Facebook page (@redeemerjusticeclub) for regular updates!
The Global Justice Club is supported by the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC). Based on values of respect, dignity, and fairness, CLAC is committed to building better workplaces, better communities, and better lives. For this reason, our club places special emphasis on the importance of justice in the workplace. We echo CLAC’s belief that the opportunity to work for a fair wage, and in a safe environment, is a human right that must be defended.
Club Leader Contact:
Rishel Ramsarran: