Prom Preparation Underway

First Year Senators’ Fundraiser for Students Who Missed Their Prom

Over the next few weeks, Redeemer students have a lot to look forward to with the approaching Reading Week, a comedy night, and a prom organized by the first-year senators to raise money for charity. Every year, first-year senators are tasked to organize one fundraiser with the purpose of raising money for local outreach groups. This year’s first-year senators, Ella Kucman, Anika Fitzpatrick, and Kaiden Groombridge, came up with the idea of a prom as their fundraiser. This event—which is designed to replicate a real prom night out—will take place on February 10 in the Student Rec Centre, where Redeemer students can relax with a fun night of dancing, drinks, and photos. 


Fitzpatrick, Assistant to the Vice President of Finance, said that they chose to create a prom night for those who were unable to experience it in high school. Because of COVID-19 and the resulting school closures, most students currently in second and third year did not have the full high school graduation celebration, so the first-year senators thought this was a perfect alternative. Fitzpatrick also explained that the senate received a multitude of positive responses from students by sending out a school survey. 


Multiple students explained why they are interested in the prom. Grace Constable, a fourth-year English student, said that she was “very excited for the prom and planned to go with friends.” She thought that it was a perfect opportunity for those who could not have a normal prom due to COVID-19 and also something exciting to do after a long winter, especially with previous Redeemer dances having been cancelled. 


Terell Tony, a first year business student, said he thought “the prom is a great social event for students to dress up, dance, and socialize with their friends.” Tony also appreciated using the prom as a fundraising event as it allows students to have fun while also supporting a good cause. 


Sophie Turi, a second-year science student, said she might go to the prom because it would be fun to get to know people outside of the school setting.


Tickets for the event will be ten dollars per person, purchased in the student senate office at any time between now and the prom, but there is a limited amount of them. Everyone who buys a ticket will be able to donate the cost of their ticket to one of three local charities. The first charity is Good Shepherd, a local Hamilton charity that seeks to “provide hope and restore dignity to the most vulnerable members of our community.” They offer a wide range of support including food, housing, healthcare, mental health support and more. They offer help to thousands of struggling individuals and have been based in Hamilton for over 60 years. 


The second of the three charities that you can donate to is the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). The CMHA is a non-profit mental organization that focuses on implementing programs and resources to help struggling individuals, helping over 1.3 million Canadians each year. They also have many excellent resources for those struggling with suicide, drug recovery, and mental health issues. 


The final charity students can donate to is Mission Services, a Hamilton-based charity that seeks to deliver both food and shelter to those who are less fortunate. They also have programs to help with addiction, youth services, and shelter. They are also explicitly Christ-focused and state that their mission is “to serve people and fulfill God’s call to act Justly, Show Mercy and Offer Hope.”

Other activities during the prom night will include live music hosted by a Redeemer student DJ. There will also be drinks served along with a photo booth and a voted Prom King and Queen. If you attend this event, make sure to cast your vote for the male and female most eligible for these awards! There will also be fun opportunities to win door prizes through a raffle. 


Everyone who is able to should attend the prom in the Student Rec Centre, on Feb 10 starting at 9 p.m. It will be a ton of fun with drinks, dances, and a great chance to wear a fancy suit or gown. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet new people and have a fun night out with friends, with the benefit that the cost of a fun night out will go directly to a local charity.