By: Helana Mulder, senior reporter
We have survived the loss of an hour due to daylight saving time, and the snow has finally begun to melt. It’s spring time. Even the groundhogs predicted an early spring for 2019.
It’s about time we bring out the ripped jeans, windbreakers, and longboards, and put away our snow pants, parkas, and snowboards. Because, let’s face it: I think we are all over winter.
I’ve spent way too many hours bundling up with seven or eight layers in order to brave the cold as I walk from third parking lot to the academic building, only to be dripping with sweat as soon as I walk inside and am met with hot air blasting from the heaters.
The extra hours of daylight is also a nice change. Instead of leaving for night class in the dark of night, the walk now includes a bit of sunshine and a warmer breeze.
If you’re looking for ways to enjoy this spring weather before we get one more blast of winter right in the middle of exam season—which is pretty well inevitable because that’s just how Canada is—I recommend pulling out the blankets, rolling them out in the backyard, and doing your eight hours of Stats homework outside. While it might still be a bit chilly, the fresh air will be good for you and could maybe even bring your mark up a few degrees.
Another way to enjoy the spring weather is to use or borrow a barbecue and fire it up to grill some chicken or hamburgers for your porchies. After you make the perfect dinner, bring out the lawnchairs that haven’t been used since LAUNCH week and enjoy your dinner on the porch. Wave at all your friends who have to leave for night class and enjoy the sunshine without yet having to swat away the mosquitoes.
You could always partake in a nice, friendly game of frisbee, pickup soccer, or just take a walk around campus to start wearing off the effects of Cabin Fever from the winter. Either way, enjoy the fresh air and spend some time outside.