By: David Rowlandson | September 19, 2019
The LAUNCH Olympics whirlwind whooshes to a close. For some it’s been good, mucky, high-energy fun, others are left sprawled on their beds at the end of the day, wondering how a poor introvert like themselves will ever make it through their first month. Take heart! I am an introvert as well, and I bring good news: not only is it possible to survive, but some of those crazy extroverts will probably become a few of your best friends down the road.
This Tour-de-LAUNCH has been a marathon for students and faculty alike. The school is bursting with new life (that’s you!) as an influx of new students and a reflux of old ones (sorry guys) share their talents, time, and effort with one another. It’s exciting to take a moment and ask, “What excites students, faculty, and staff most about this upcoming year?”
“Christ-centered education – learning from secular material and secular thought, but also applying it to the Christian faith”. – Grace Constable, First Year –
“To really pour in and build up future leaders to fill the spots to come”. – John Robinson, Sixth Year for Teacher’s College, Residence Life Facilitator –
“To have students back on campus. To see familiar faces and to get to hear about how God has been at work in their lives over the summer, as well as to see new faces, and the prospect of getting to know them and help them thrive in their time here, dig into classes, lean into community, and hopefully discover Christ afresh”. – Josiah Bokma, Chaplain –
“To provide more opportunities for students” – Doreen Gringhuis, Director of Campus Services – The OneCard system glitched during the first Communal check-in, but in the long run the card allows Gringhuis and her team to speed up check-outs, while providing exciting opportunities for the future.
During our first dorm meeting my RA said, “I see here a group of guys here who will go on to do amazing things at this school, to be the next generation of leaders”. As you begin your first year or enjoy a fourth-plus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on the excitement of how God may shape and use your gifts and talents in the year ahead.
We serve a great God in a great school, and I’m personally excited to serve alongside you this year.
What are you excited for?